NFL Betting Trends 2024-2025

The below printable tables show NFL betting trends for the 2024-2025 regular season, with separate views for straight up or against the spread (ATS). These public betting trends are useful when making picks as they allow you to see the historical performance of specific teams and across the league given various situations (away, home, favorites, underdogs).

2024-2025 NFL Betting Trends:

NFL betting trends provide valuable insight into how specific teams and the entire league performs in different situations, and can give you an advantage over other players in your pro football pools.

Our NFL League Trends show cumulative stats for all 32 teams throughout the regular season including win/loss records and win percentages given various scenarios (away, home, favorites, underdogs).

Our NFL Team Trends show win/loss records and win percentages for each team individually, and provide useful information to see which teams perform best straight up or against the spread (ATS).

Analyzing this information along with pick distribution data can be extremely useful to find potential value picks that are flying under the radar.

NFL trend data is based off team scores and results from each weekly matchup, as well as spread data provided by a white label odds source.